How To Keep Spiders Out Of Your San Mateo Home

Spider hanging in web

No one wants spiders in their home, but they are an inevitable part of life. According to a National Pest Management Association study, 31% of Americans scream, jump, or squirm when they see a spider. 

While most spiders aren't venomous and won't cause any harm, they can be unsightly and lead to health complications when they're present in large numbers. If you're looking for a safe and reliable solution to your spider problem, speak to a San Mateo pest control specialist today.

We can help identify the species of spider you're dealing with, provide removal services, and more.

The Life Cycle Of Common Spiders

A spider has three main life stages - egg, larva, and adult. Most spiders will lay their eggs in an enclosed area where the larvae can safely hatch and develop. 

Once the larvae have reached maturity, they'll spin a web and become adults. Different species of spiders go through these life stages at different rates, depending on the climate and other environmental factors.

The most common spiders in San Mateo include:

  • Tarantula: The tarantula is the largest spider in North America and can live up to 30 years. They're relatively slow-moving spiders with long legs and are not a threat to humans.
  • Wolf Spider: This is a common household spider that's brown or gray. Named after their hunting habits, as they're the only spiders that chase down their prey.
  • House Spider: The house spider is a small, brown spider that's commonly found in homes. They build webs in dark and hidden places, such as basements and attics.
  • Black Widow: This is one of the most venomous spiders in North America. They're black with a red hourglass-shaped mark on their abdomens. Black widows are shy and only bite humans when they feel threatened.
  • Brown Recluse: This is a small, brown spider with a violin-shaped mark on its back. As their name suggests, they're reclusive by nature and only come out at night to hunt. Brown recluses are another one of the most venomous spiders in the U.S.

While not all spiders are dangerous, some of the species found in San Mateo can cause a nasty bite. If a spider bites you, it's important to seek medical attention right away, as some bites can lead to serious health complications.

What It Means If You're Seeing A Lot Of Spiders In Your House

If you're seeing a lot of spiders in your house, it could be an indication that there are other pests present. Spiders are predators and will only stay in an area if there's an adequate food source, usually insects. If you're seeing a spider infestation, you likely have an infestation of another type of pest as well.

Don't let your fear of spiders keep you from getting the help you need. Contact a pest control specialist today to get rid of spiders and other pests in your home for good.

Five Simple Yet Effective Spider And Pest Prevention Tips

Do you know you can get rid of spiders naturally without having to resort to harsh chemicals? Here are five spider and pest prevention tips:

  1. Keep your house clean and clutter-free.
  2. Seal all cracks and crevices.
  3. Eliminate food and water sources.
  4. Use essential oils to kill spiders.
  5. Install a mesh screen over your windows and doors.

If you're looking for the best way to get rid of spiders, contact a pest control specialist. We can provide you with safe and effective solutions for your specific needs.

Why Professional Pest Control Is The Best Spider Control Solution

While there are some things you can do to get rid of spiders on your own, professional pest eradication is the best way to achieve long-term results. For safe and effective spider control, contact Pacific Pest Management. We specialize in spider removal and will help you keep them from coming back. Schedule a free consultation today.